Accepable Use Policy



              An acceptable use policy is put in place for one reason and that is to keep students safe. This policy is outlined to give students a safe place to research, work, and learn without the fear of online bullying, hacking, or malicious intent. The acceptable use policy will allow schools to put in place safeguards that to prevent attacks of any kind. Students have certain rights when it come to school internet use, but the most important right is safety and that is why a acceptable use policy is important.

Acceptable is defined as something that is agreed upon or tolerated. Acceptable use is a policy that is agreed upon and outlines acceptable internet behaviors for students, staff, parents, and visitors. An acceptable use policy is an important document that allows schools to set rules that govern internet use. The policy will outline the rights, responsibilities, privileges, and sanctions for students when it comes to internet use. The policy will also outline consequences that students have when breaking the acceptable use policy.

Image result for acceptable use policy for parents and studentsImage result for acceptable use policy for parents and students

Acceptable Use Policies

Acceptable Use Policy explained for Students

What is an Acceptable Use Policy Video?

What is an Acceptable Use Policy?

The Learning Choice Academy Acceptable Use Policy

Bedford County Public Schools Acceptable Use Policy